Finally Jiren has unleashed his power.  But was it all we were hoping for? Was it worth the lost of Android 17?  Episode 127 of Dragon Ball Super started with Jiren basically one-punching Goku Vegeta and Android 17 and showing them the hopelessness of there effort. However what surprised a lot of us fans is […]

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I am a lover of Movies. So when Black Panther was announced I was filled with Joy mixed with a bit of fear. Fear of not knowing if Hollywood would make the oh so common mistake of choosing action over a great Story. Comics, which are stories with pictures, are the whole reason we go […]

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Anime has been around for a while now and we have been gifted with many great stories from many different writers. I Myself like many others were exposed to anime through one of the greats, Dragon ball Z.  I personally loved Dragon ball Z because the story was nothing like your typical superhero story.  It […]

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