As many guardians jump into the action of Rise of Iron one of the first quest everyone is excited to try is the Iron Gjallarhorn Quest. This quest will take users around the Plaguelands and eventually to Site 6 where they will finally get their hands on one of the most coveted weapons in destiny. In this post we will explain how to get the Rise of Iron Gjallarhorn (Ghron) and the steps to making sure you complete the quest.
First Step – “Echoes of the Past” Quest
Complete the Rise of Iron campaign to unlock the Echoes of the Past quest line Next follow the steps Below.
- Once you get the Quest “Echoes of the Past” in your progress Tab you’ll be instructed to go to Archons Keep to scan for an anomaly. Go into the Plaguelands patrol and head towards Archons keep, look for the Closed diamond symbol patrol beacon.
- Follow the guide to Site 6 and you’ll find a Relic Hammer, use it to fight off the ADs and the SIVA Fallen Walker.
- After you defeat him go behind him but be sure not to fall down the hole. You will scan the iron Medallion that’s on the floor behind him.
- Next go to Felwinters Peak and speak to Tyra Karn. She will send you to find more Iron Medallions around the plaguelands. As you get close to them your ghost will tell you where they are.
Here are the locations of the Medallions in the Plaguelands: - Once you have all 7 of the Iron wolf Medallions Tyra will send you to the Banner fall tower. (Yup! the one from the crucible)
- When you get there you’ll be scanning archives and computers learning about New Monarchy & the Original Designer of the Gjallarhorn. Next, you’ll scan some Parts and here your ghost mention other rocket launcher designs like the Truth exotic rocket launcher and others.
- The tower Defense alarm will go off and you’ll be under attack from fallen who are trying to plant bombs in the tower to blow a hole in the wall.
- Defend the areas while your ghost defuses the bombs. If you are going solo Def lay down some scorched Earth Heat as it will destroy the exploding shanks that try and sneak up on you.
- Once your ghost disarms the first bomb you will have to do it all over again on the opposite side of the banner fall map.
- After bomb squad duty is over you’ll take on a fallen captain and his back up. … Kick his ass and then return to the base!
- Next, Tyra Karn will tell you to locate 5 dormant SIVA clusters. Use this post to help you find the Dormant Siva Cluster Locations
- Now you have to head back to earth for the missions “BEAUTY IN DELIVERY”, here you’ll find the parts you need to build the Gjallarhorn. This will be another intense battle in which you will fight off waves of enemies while your ghost puts together the Gjallarhorn. The good news is that you’ll get a few scorch cannons to help you.
- After pretty much an eternity! of fighting, you’ll get the Gajllarhorn at Level 350.
- Infuse it with your pre-order Gjallarhorn and you’ll get a massive supply of Heavy ammo packs.
Note: During the mission the Ghost mentions other Rocket Launcher blueprints & Parts Feizel Crux left behind along with the Gjallarhorns. He mentions the rocket Launchers from a Royalty line of Launchers called the Baron,Viceroy & Charlemagne. Could these be the next round of Exotic Rocket Launchers for Destiny Rise of Iron?