So Destiny Rise of Iron’s release date is September 20th, 2016 at 2am PST 5am EST. But there are a few things you need to know and get done before the game goes live. We have put together a list of key things you need to know and also a list of things you should do the upcoming week before the game release. Rise of Iron will have new legendary & exotic weapons plus armour, Bungie will also boost the current base light level of all guardians.
Here are the things you need to know going into the new Destiny expansion.
There was a new patch for Destiny Rise of Iron that was released last week that contained a bunch of new updates for the game ahead of ROI. One of the biggest updates came as a surprise to a lot of player in the form of a new Rise of Iron Exotic weapon becoming available pre-release. The new exotic weapon is called the Trespasser, here is how to get the Trespasser and some gameplay footage.
The new social space in Destiny will be called ‘Felwinter Peak’ and it has a cool secret that the developers have hinted at multiple times. (Hint it might have something to do with the bells)
Three of coins from XUR in Rise of iron will still be useful and function the same way they did before. So to get Ready for the game rack up those strange coins and hold as many Three of coins as you can or go Three of coin farming!
The Gjallarhorn Rocket launcher is back for rise of iron and its drop rate won’t be a factor to getting the classic PVE exotic. The new Gjallarhorn will be awarded to players who preorder Destiny Rise of Iron or complete a new quest to get the classic Gjallarhorn.
Holding on to exotic engrams with the hope of getting Rise of Iron exotic weapons or armor won’t work. What may happen is that you will get the previous years exotics at the newer light level.
If you need to stock up on strange coins, the simplest way is to play the level 28 Prison of Elders and Nightfall strikes are good for strange coin farming as well.
Faction Packages will give you higher light level gear, this would be a good time to level up your faction until right before you reach a new level. Once Rise of Iron hits the new package will not only have a higher light level but you will now be able to choose if you want a new weapon or armor for leveling up.
XUR will sell ornaments for Silver dust. You can get silver dust my taking apart items that come from Radiant treasure.
The Thorn is also back and there will be a new quest to acquire it in year 3 of Destiny.
When you pre-order Destiny Rise of Iron you will also get a Charter boost to bring you up to the new Light level. To activate your character boost when you preorder rise of iron simply use the item provided in your inventory once you load your character.
There will be new Strike specific items in year Destiny Rise of Iron. Also, some of the old strikes will be in the Legacy playlist and it will be a lot easier to get these items with skeleton keys used to open chest at the end of the strike.
The week before Rise of Iron Launches there will be an event that will introduce us to the new enemy somehow. We think this will be similar to the Taken King when taken started to appear during patrols and corrupting the cosmodrome.
One of the Most IMPORTANT things to note is that Rise of Iron will go live at 5am EST. This is during the regular reset time so this tells us that Bungie will also keep their server and game resets to the normal time as well.
Pre Destiny Release Event:
What is Owl Sector and how will it tie intoDestiny: Rise of Iron?
Owl sector is an organization task with the Quarantine of the tech virus infecting guardians.
The Buff infection appears in the game during crucible matches and strikes playlist. Guardians are transmitting the buff infections known as Magnificence 2.0, Glory 2.1, Splendor 2.6, Brilliance 3.2 & Fortitude 3.1.