In this post we’ll talk about how to get Legendary Marks in Destiny year 2. We will also talk about the fact that legendary marks have replaced Crucible Marks and Vanguard marks. Legendary marks can be earned multiple ways and are also used to purchase new weapons, Gear and upgrades.

How to Get Destiny Legendary Marks:



How many legendary marks can you earn in a week?

You can only have 200 Legendary Marks in your inventory at one time. But you can use them and gain more as much as you want every week and every day.

How do you get legendary marks in destiny?

You can get Legendary marks pretty quickly in destiny by:
Completing or participating in Public Events
Finishing Strikes and Weekly Playlist (Also Armsday Bounties)
Complete Level 28 Prison of Elders
Win High Level Crucible matches And Weekly Challenges
Trails of Osiris gives 25 Legendary marks per bounty!
How many legendary marks do you get for dismantling?

It really depends on the weapon that determines how many marks you get after dismantling. 

Destiny Legendary Mark Farming.

The key to Farming Legendary marks quickly is to make sure you are ready to utilize the marks you gain from the above activities and dismantling weapons.  This will allow you to jump back into crucible Matches, Bounties & other activities without wasting effort.

Destiny Legendary marks in Destiny 2?

We are not sure yet if Legendary marks will be in Destiny 2 but we can tell you that Destiny 2 will have whole new system for upgrading and purchasing weapons and armor. Destiny 2 May also focus more on users collecting material from around the many worlds of the game.

Also, check out a few of the videos below to find out the fastest ways to get Legendary marks in Destiny.


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How to get Destiny legendary Marks
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How to get Destiny legendary Marks
Destiny legendary marks have replaced Crucible Marks & Vanguard marks they can be earned multiple ways & are also used to purchase new weapons and gear.
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How to get Destiny legendary Marks