Spolier Alert if you have not seen “The Dark Knight Rises” (Really … Still?)

At the end of the DKR we all wondered about  Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s John Blake character and his future fate and how he would tie into a possible future Batman film. Revealed at the end of the movie we discover his his full name is actually Robin John Blake. But as I explained to a Few friends this does not mean he is “Robin” Batman’s Jolly sidekick. I mean what superhero calls themselves their first name …? Thats like “Hi! I am Batman Wayne.” … -_-

Anyway, “Man of Steel” directed by Zack Snyder is set to be released soon and  with Justice league Schd for a 2015 release there is no space to shoot a new Batman film. According to HitFix, “Joseph Gordon-Levitt absolutely will be appearing in Justice League as the new Batman.” their sources tell them. With contracts in the works and another actor or actress from the Nolan film set to also appear. There is alot of speculation around how the new Batman will fit into the Justice league and the new Man of Steel movie. There have been hints that mentions of Gotham City and other DC universe locations will be Easter egged in “Man of Steel”.  This would make sense because DC would not just want to take a note from Marvel’s book and copy their style of after credit or Mid credit scenes. But like they have done they can integrate the movies with news reports within the film. Clark Kent (Superman) Works for the Daily planet its almost a Promise that mention of Bain and his take over of Gotham city will get some mentions.

Imagine this … During a scene in the Daily Planet Clark Kent runs into Louise Lane as she is hustling to get access to the area around Gotham or even get into the city to get an exclusive (Knowing Ms. Lane). But if thats too much of a dead giveaway there could be news reports in the background talking about the Bain takeover.

“Man of Steel” is a superman movie that has been scaled more towards a darker side of Superman and brings it close to the same spectrum as batman and makes the films alot easier to integrate.

“Justice League” is tentatively scheduled for 2015, and in the meantime, “The Dark Knight Rises” arrives on DVD and Blu-ray next Tuesday.     The Dark Knight Rises (Blu-ray/DVD Combo+UltraViolet Digital Copy)

Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s John Blake The New Batman