We are looking forward to the “Justice League War” Trailer but until then we get a preview of the Main villain of the animated film. Justice League War will feature the “New 52’s” version of Darkseid. check out the preview below and let us know your thoughts.  Steve Blum who has voice everyone from Wolverine to the Red skull will play the voice of the Powerful God-Like villain Darkseid. We first got clues about the new Movie “Justice League war” at the end of the “Flashpoint: Paradox” Animated Movie.



Justice League War Darkseid

Justice League: War is based on Geoff Johns and Jim Lee’s first Justice League arc in DC’s “The New 52” continuity. For that reason, it obviously makes sense that the team in the upcoming animated feature will be facing off against the villainous ‘Darkseid’ and his forces.

Justice League War Darkseid Revealed