The 18th movie for the DC Universe Animated Original Movies franchise is ‘Justice League:War’. Based on Jim Lee’s and Geoff Johns “Justice League Vol 1: Origin” story line.
The Justice League: War plot depicts the meeting of the infamous team and, unlike the original version, it isn’t’ all sunshine and roses. In this version, these virtually re-booted superheroes have no relationship between each other. They have built their own names for themselves independently of the others. Unfortunately,hearsay leads to tension between some and hero worship among others. Take for example the showing of starstruck Flash at his first introduction to Batman during the Justice League trailer; the connection between the heroes is very different is this new universe.
After a tumultuous beginning, the heroes must band together to defeat Darkseid and his legion of alien invaders who are set on the conquering the Earth. Interestingly, in this movie, Superman meets Darkseid for the first time, so that should make for some compelling elements to the plot.
The story line ties in some current pop culture references like a nod to the popular series True Blood that make it quite appealing; but this isn’t’ the only change. Wonder Woman has a new look. Although her outfit is virtually the same as the “New 52” costume, in the movie, her armor is silver and her “WW” logo has a little more edge to it. Her hair is also tied in a ponytail, presumably because it isn’t a very good idea to engage into battle against aliens with loose hair. The most unnecessary change is addition of what seems to be a blue undershirt and gloves.
The director of ‘Justice League: War’ is Jay Olivia. One of his previous works is ‘The Dark Knight Returns’. Michelle Monaghan stars as Wonder Woman, Alan Tudyk as Superman, Steve Blum as Darkseid, Justin Kirk as Green Lantern, Jason O’Mara as Batman, Christopher Gorham as The Flash, Shemar Moore as Cyborg, and Travis Willingham playing Shazam.
Check out the Gallery Below for Justice League War: