The Taken King Court Of Oryx 9 Hidden Chests & Keys On The Dreadnaught
Breaking new details about the Court of Oryx & the Chest / Key locations on the Dreadnaught. During the Court of Oryx reveal stream we caught an interesting snapshot of a chest that required the Key of Gnashing Teeth to open. Now thanks to a resourceful reddit user we have some more information about another 8 cheat locations and the Keys to open them.
The Dreadnaught will be a new location open to guardians and with exploration comes discovery. Below check out the information about the new hidden chest locations on the Dreadnaught and the keys to open them up.
- Key of Gnashing Teeth (Consumable): In the court and just below, where but the bravest dare to go
- Key of Akka (Consumable): Near the court but in a cave, along the road that maggots pave
- Key of Eir (Consumable): Near the breach where foes invade, nestled with worms inside a cave
- Key of Maggots (Consumable): In the Mausoleum find the key where maggots lurk blind
- Key of Ur (Consumable): Near the breach but down below, where only heroes dare to go
- Key of Wyrding (Consumable): Along the Mausoleum walk, towards the breach where invaders dock.
- Key of Yuul (Consumable): Near the court where debts are paid, on the ledge where faith is laid
- Key of the Spawn (Consumable): In the Mausoleum, tween a path living have not seen.
- Key of Xol (Consumable): Not the breach, but on the path where lords and princes feed their wrath
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The Taken King Court Of Oryx 9 Hidden Chests & Keys On The Dreadnaught
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