Titanfall Release is Here! We have a Data Dump of everything you will need to start off your Titanfall career. In the article below we will cover everything from the Titanfall Maps, Titanfall Pilot Loadouts, Weapons and even go into some detail about the burn cards.
Lets jump right in with the weapons for the Titan and Pilot Loadouts. We will also try and give some insight as to the Best Titan and Pilot loadouts for titanfall as well.
Click Here for
Titanfall Maps
Titanfall weapons
Titanfall Campagin mode
TItanfall ranking System
The Titanfall Weapons
Below is a List of the Pilot and Titan weapons in no particular order.
The Hammond P2011 (Primary Weapon)
The ideal weapon for Fast moving Pilot looking to score some quick indoor kills on minions and Specters. The Hammond P2011 is a Primary / sidearm weapon with semi-automatic Capabilities and with the ‘Match Trigger’ feature the P2011 has a great rapid fire rate without the intense Recoil.
The R-97 Compact SMG
The R-97 is Titanfall’s Submachine gun for Indoor and close quarters assault situations. The Fire rate is extremely high so be careful of recoil and your aim. Adding modifications can help make the weapon more manageable, its also ideal for Titan climb assaults. If you can get on top of a titan this lil buddy can help destroy the insides of any titan.
Talk about Magic Bullets! the Smart Pistol MK5 gives you the ability to hit a target you are not directly aiming at. The Pistols computer system will target a Pilots head, heart and vital organs with upgrades. Its a pretty cool weapon and something very unique to Titanfall.
The Charge Rifle Anti-Titan
The Mag Launcher Anti-Titan
Titan Fall Ordnance (Pilots)
Arc Grenade
Frag Grenade (Photo coming soon)
Arc Mine
Titan Weapons
We are gonna start with the Titans ordnace
Rocket Salvo (Photo coming soon)
Cluster Missile (Photo coming soon)
Multi-Target Missile System (Photo coming soon)
Slaved Warheads (Photo coming soon)
The Weapons:
The Arc Cannon
The Triple Threat